October 1, 2021
P&O Ferries choose Surikat’s Lynx Terminal Operating System
In early 2020, P&O Ferries contacted Surikat to see if we could help them with a terminal operating solution for the 3 North Sea terminals which they operate. The solution would be to handle accompanied and unaccompanied freight, for a combination of road, rail, barge, LOLO and RORO cargo.
After a thorough period of analysis by both Surikat and P&O – fortunately pre COVID lockdowns we signed a contract in Spring 2020 and began the implementation and rollout. It was an unusual challenge for the project teams, with go-lives being handled remotely, but the project pushed ahead and is currently live in Rotterdam with other ports and terminals to follow.
Operations crossing the North Sea have their own peculiarities, as the rules surrounding BREXIT are demanding for all involved. Surikat’s Lynx Terminal Operating System is up to the challenge, and necessary integrations to P&O’s freight booking system were developed, alongside port community systems such as Destin8, PortBase and RX/seaport.
“For Surikat, working with P&O is not only a prestigious contract signing for us, it is also a great opportunity to further solidify the capabilities of our Lynx TOS. We’ve recently been improving the modules to make bookings, create terminal visits to reduce pick up of drop times, dynamic yard management, as well as handle all aspects of rail and container traffic. We’re still ongoing with the P&O project, with further terminals yet to come. But P&O have been great to work with; communicative, positive, dedicated. We are delighted to have them as customers and look forward to many years of fruitful collaboration”, says Surikat’s CEO, Andreas Karlsson.
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